It may be an unexpected fact to you, but Shinjuku is referred to as a highly competit...
Shibuya in Tokyo is bustling every day a wide-awake town for 24 hours. It is a town i...
Osaka is the central city in the Kansai region. Recently, Osaka had a large-scale re-...
Sendai in the Miyagi prefecture is a 3-hour-ride on a train from the Tokyo station. I...
What do you remember, when it comes to the local gourmet in Nara? Is it Kaki-no-ha su...
The Fukushima prefecture is in the southern part of the Tohoku region. In the Fukushi...
The Aomori prefecture is the northernmost prefecture on Japan’s main island. The pref...
The access to the Aomori prefecture from Tokyo has improved due to the opening of the...
Of what does the gourmet in Kumamoto remind you? Is it horse-meat sashimi, ramen, mus...
Cherry blossoms in Spring, fresh greenery in summer, changing colours in autumn and a...