6月 24, 2019
Sightseeing in Morioka! The Best 10 Sightseeing Spots in Morioka!
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Morioka in Iwate is a city developed by the Nanbu clan, who built Morioka Castle. There are so many historic sites including the shrines and temples. In Morioka city therefore, you will see the traditions in the current lifestyle. Here in this article, I will introduce the best 10 sightseeing spots where you might want to visit! Morioka in Iwate is a city developed by the Nanbu clan, who built Morioka Castle. There are so many historic sites including the shrines and temples. In Morioka city therefore, you will see the traditions in the current lifestyle. Here in this article, I will introduce the best 10 sightseeing spots where you might want to visit!
Morioka Tenmangu
Morioka Tenmangu
/media/?size=l” title=” ” alt=” Morioka Tenmangu ” width=”500px” height=”auto”>
photo by リンク切れ / embedded from Instagram
One of the most renowned artists Iwate had grown – Takuboku Ishikawa. He visited Morioka Tenmangu in Morioka where he spent his youth. The shrine is located in a rising ground called Mt.Tenjin in Shinjo, Morioka city, and it seems like Takuboku, whose hobby is reading books, lived this place surrounded by the forest.
One of the most renowned artists Iwate had grown – Takuboku Ishikawa. He visited Morioka Tenmangu in Morioka where he spent his youth. The shrine is located in a rising ground called Mt.Tenjin in Shinjo, Morioka city, and it seems like Takuboku, whose hobby is reading books, lived this place surrounded by the forest.
In Morioka Tenmangu, there’s a guardian dog called “Takuboku Komainu” which was created in the Edo period by Genjirou Takahata, and he was a mason. This statue of a gardian dog has a relaxing atmosphere somehow. Takuboku called this statue “Stone Horse” and liked it as he read the poem.
In Morioka Tenmangu, there’s a guardian dog called “Takuboku Komainu” which was created in the Edo period by Genjirou Takahata, and he was a mason. This statue of a gardian dog has a relaxing atmosphere somehow. Takuboku called this statue “Stone Horse” and liked it as he read the poem.
Name: Morioka Tenmangu Name: Morioka Tenmangu
Address: 5-43, Shinjo Town, Morioka City, Iwate Address: 5-43, Shinjo Town, Morioka City, Iwate
81-19-604-3305 Phone: +81-19-604-3305 Phone: +81-19-604-3305
←は行削除する場合Websiteの上の行に必ず入れてください Access: Drive 10 mins from Kami Morioka Station Access: Drive 10 mins from Kami Morioka Station
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%80%92020-0806+%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E6%96%B0%E5%BA%84%E7%94%BA%EF%BC%95+%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%A4%A9%E6%BA%80%E5%AE%AE/@39.7028398,141.167572,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5f85761fea97d599:0x776473b7f7e5fbb5?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to Morioka Tenmangu Map: map to Morioka Tenmangu Map: map to Morioka Tenmangu
Mitsuishi Shrine
Mitsuishi Shrine
/media/?size=l” title=” ” alt=” Mitsuishi Shrine ” width=”500px” height=”auto”>
photo by リンク切れ / embedded from Instagram
Here at “Mitsuishi Shrine”, you will find “Oni no Tegata” which is related to the origins of the area names and this place is quite popular as a sacred spot. Oni no Tegata is a huge granite from the Cretaceous period which is about 145,000,000 to 6,600 years ago.
Here at “Mitsuishi Shrine”, you will find “Oni no Tegata” which is related to the origins of the area names and this place is quite popular as a sacred spot. Oni no Tegata is a huge granite from the Cretaceous period which is about 145,000,000 to 6,600 years ago.
3 rocks exist in this place where “Sansa Odori” what Iwate is proud of was born. There is a legend called Oni no Tegata – once there was a God and when he caught a rowdy ogre by a supernatural power, he was thinking if he should shut the ogre into those 3 stones. And he eventually made it make prints of its hands on the rocks and told it not to come to the area ever again. It is said that you can see the prints just after the rain.
3 rocks exist in this place where “Sansa Odori” what Iwate is proud of was born. There is a legend called Oni no Tegata – once there was a God and when he caught a rowdy ogre by a supernatural power, he was thinking if he should shut the ogre into those 3 stones. And he eventually made it make prints of its hands on the rocks and told it not to come to the area ever again. It is said that you can see the prints just after the rain.
Name: Mitsuishi Shrine Name: Mitsuishi Shrine
Address: 2-1, Nasugawa, Morioka City, Iwate Address: 2-1, Nasugawa, Morioka City, Iwate
←は行削除する場合Websiteの上の行に必ず入れてください Access: Drive 10 mins from Morioka Station Access: Drive 10 mins from Morioka Station
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%80%92020-0020+%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E5%90%8D%E9%A0%88%E5%B7%9D%E7%94%BA%EF%BC%92%E2%88%92%EF%BC%91+%E4%B8%89%E3%83%84%E7%9F%B3%E7%A5%9E%E7%A4%BE/@39.7090191,141.1543558,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5f85763d8f89fbb9:0xd147da64c313abc?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to Mitsuishi Shrine Map: map to Mitsuishi Shrine Map: map to Mitsuishi Shrine
National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park
National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park
/media/?size=l” title=” ” alt=” National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park ” width=”500px” height=”auto”>
photo by syunmasaki / embedded from Instagram
One of the most historic sites in Morioka, Iwate is this place – “National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park”. It is believed that there was the biggest ancient castle called “Shiwa Castle” about 1,200 years ago.
One of the most historic sites in Morioka, Iwate is this place – “National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park”. It is believed that there was the biggest ancient castle called “Shiwa Castle” about 1,200 years ago.
The restored gate of this park has the height of 11m, the length of 15m, and depth of 6m. The exterior of the castle looks amazing itself, but the closer you go, the more dynamic it looks. How about walking around the castle while touching its history!
The restored gate of this park has the height of 11m, the length of 15m, and depth of 6m. The exterior of the castle looks amazing itself, but the closer you go, the more dynamic it looks. How about walking around the castle while touching its history!
Name: National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park Name: National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park
Address: 47-11, Shinden, Gohei, Kamikazuma, Morioka, Iwate Address: 47-11, Shinden, Gohei, Kamikazuma, Morioka, Iwate
81-19-658-1710 Phone: +81-19-658-1710 Phone: +81-19-658-1710
←は行削除する場合Websiteの上の行に必ず入れてください Access: Drive 15 mins from Morioka Station by car Access: Drive 15 mins from Morioka Station by car
” target=”_blank”> http://www.city.morioka.iwate.jp/shisei/moriokagaido/rekishi/1009476/index.html Website: http://www.city.morioka.iwate.jp/shisei/moriokagaido/rekishi/1009476/index.html Website: http://www.city.morioka.iwate.jp/shisei/moriokagaido/rekishi/1009476/index.html
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E5%BF%97%E6%B3%A2%E5%9F%8E%E5%8F%A4%E4%BB%A3%E5%85%AC%E5%9C%92/@39.6830926,141.1045444,17z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1z5Zu95Y-y6Leh5b-X5rOi5Z-O6Leh44O75b-X5rOi5Z-O5Y-k5Luj5YWs5ZyS!3m4!1s0x5f8577fb6b359c5b:0x4e8793805bfacdaa!8m2!3d39.6833492!4d141.1046618?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park Map: map to National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park Map: map to National Historic Site Shiwa Castle / Shiwa Castle Kodai Park
Sekiguchiya Kashiho
Sekiguchiya Kashiho
/media/?size=l” title=” ” alt=” Sekiguchiya Kashiho ” width=”500px” height=”auto”>
photo by coto_osada / embedded from Instagram
The 4th owner of “Sekiguchiya Kashiho”, a confectionery shop established in 1893, has kept the traditional taste. The exterior itself feels the good old days of Japan. When you go in, you will see miso breads and Japanese confectioneries that the local ingredients are used.
The 4th owner of “Sekiguchiya Kashiho”, a confectionery shop established in 1893, has kept the traditional taste. The exterior itself feels the good old days of Japan. When you go in, you will see miso breads and Japanese confectioneries that the local ingredients are used.
But one of the main products of them is “Shochu Tou” – a Japanese version of whisky bonbon which is made from shochu sake from Akita. The shochu has 35 percentage of alcohol and the types vary from coffee to peppermint. This is the great souvenir not only for someone else, but also for yourself!
But one of the main products of them is “Shochu Tou” – a Japanese version of whisky bonbon which is made from shochu sake from Akita. The shochu has 35 percentage of alcohol and the types vary from coffee to peppermint. This is the great souvenir not only for someone else, but also for yourself!
Name: Sekiguchiya Kashiho Name: Sekiguchiya Kashiho
Address: 2-3, Shinmei Town, Morioka, Iwate Address: 2-3, Shinmei Town, Morioka, Iwate
81-19-622-4509 Phone: +81-19-622-4509 Phone: +81-19-622-4509
Time: 8:30-19:00 Time: 8:30-19:00
←は行削除する場合Websiteの上の行に必ず入れてください Access: Walk 25 mins from Morioka City Access: Walk 25 mins from Morioka City
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%80%92020-0884+%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E7%A5%9E%E6%98%8E%E7%94%BA%EF%BC%92%E2%88%92%EF%BC%93+%E9%96%A2%E5%8F%A3%E5%B1%8B%E8%8F%93%E5%AD%90%E8%88%97/@39.702264,141.157453,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5f85762154b81759:0xee8a24b7f15181bf?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to Sekiguchiya Kashiho Map: map to Sekiguchiya Kashiho Map: map to Sekiguchiya Kashiho
Houonji Temple
Houonji Temple
/media/?size=l” title=” ” alt=” Houonji Temple ” width=”500px” height=”auto”>
photo by kumama / embedded from Instagram
It is said that “Houonji Temple” was built in 1362. This is a temple of Soto school of Buddhism with Gautama Buddha as a principal image, and at the main hall it also has a 500 Rakan statues which took 4 years to complete. 500 Rakan is a pupil of Buddha.
It is said that “Houonji Temple” was built in 1362. This is a temple of Soto school of Buddhism with Gautama Buddha as a principal image, and at the main hall it also has a 500 Rakan statues which took 4 years to complete. 500 Rakan is a pupil of Buddha.
It was 9 sculptors from Kyoto who made this 500 Rakan statues. Those statues of 500 Rakan have the unique facial expressions; there’s the one that talks to each other and the one that seems to think deeply. You might be able to find the one that looks alike you! Visit this place once you are in Iwate!
It was 9 sculptors from Kyoto who made this 500 Rakan statues. Those statues of 500 Rakan have the unique facial expressions; there’s the one that talks to each other and the one that seems to think deeply. You might be able to find the one that looks alike you! Visit this place once you are in Iwate!
Name: Houonji Temple Name: Houonji Temple
Address: 31-5, Sugawa Town, Morioka Iwate Address: 31-5, Sugawa Town, Morioka Iwate
←は行削除する場合Websiteの上の行に必ず入れてください Access: Walk 11 mins from Kami Morioka Station Access: Walk 11 mins from Kami Morioka Station
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%80%92020-0016+%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E5%90%8D%E9%A0%88%E5%B7%9D%E7%94%BA%EF%BC%93%EF%BC%91%E2%88%92%EF%BC%95+%E5%A0%B1%E6%81%A9%E5%AF%BA/@39.712218,141.156094,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5f8576143b7908c1:0x5f168b48293b9a0d?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to Houonji Temple Map: map to Houonji Temple Map: map to Houonji Temple
Morioka Dashi Museum
Morioka Dashi Museum
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photo by リンク切れ / embedded from Instagram
9 floats appear in the climax at the autumn festival of Morioka Machimanguu with 300 years of history. That float actually can be seen at the exhibition in Morioka Dashi Museum. Although the museums is located just 25 minutes away from Senboku Town Station and the entry is free of charge, it opens only on Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays.
9 floats appear in the climax at the autumn festival of Morioka Machimanguu with 300 years of history. That float actually can be seen at the exhibition in Morioka Dashi Museum. Although the museums is located just 25 minutes away from Senboku Town Station and the entry is free of charge, it opens only on Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays.
Floats, designated as a city important intangible cultural asset, are what you must see at the museum. Documents of the processes to build floats and the photos of overseas expedition are to be seen as well if you are interested in the history. If you are planning to visit Morioka, take a tour at this place!
Floats, designated as a city important intangible cultural asset, are what you must see at the museum. Documents of the processes to build floats and the photos of overseas expedition are to be seen as well if you are interested in the history. If you are planning to visit Morioka, take a tour at this place!
Name: Morioka Dashi Museum Name: Morioka Dashi Museum
Address: 13-1, Hachiman Town, Morioka City, Iwate Address: 13-1, Hachiman Town, Morioka City, Iwate
81-19-645-4895 Phone: +81-19-645-4895 Phone: +81-19-645-4895
Time: 10:00-15:00 Time: 10:00-15:00
Close: Weekdays Close: Weekdays
←は行削除する場合Websiteの上の行に必ず入れてください Access: Walk 25 mins from Senboku Town Station Access: Walk 25 mins from Senboku Town Station
” target=”_blank”> http://www.city.morioka.iwate.jp/shisei/moriokagaido/rekishi/1009476/index.html Website: http://www.city.morioka.iwate.jp/shisei/moriokagaido/rekishi/1009476/index.html Website: http://www.city.morioka.iwate.jp/shisei/moriokagaido/rekishi/1009476/index.html
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%80%92020-0872+%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E5%85%AB%E5%B9%A1%E7%94%BA%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%93%E2%88%92%EF%BC%91+%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B1%B1%E8%BB%8A%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99%E9%A4%A8/@39.6950511,141.161989,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5f859d88b6a6e0fd:0x7b17daa706d35964?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to Morioka Dashi Museum Map: map to Morioka Dashi Museum Map: map to Morioka Dashi Museum
Morioka Hachimangu
Morioka Hachimangu
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photo by kouyamama / embedded from Instagram
Morioka Hachimangu, built in 1680, is a shrine dedicated to the 15th emperor of Oujin as the deity. A wide variety of events are to be held all year round at Morioka Hachimangu which has a long hisotry of more than 300 years. “Chagu Chagu Horse Festival” and the floats at the autumn festival are the ones of many events.
Morioka Hachimangu, built in 1680, is a shrine dedicated to the 15th emperor of Oujin as the deity. A wide variety of events are to be held all year round at Morioka Hachimangu which has a long hisotry of more than 300 years. “Chagu Chagu Horse Festival” and the floats at the autumn festival are the ones of many events.
As the gate is open 24 hours, you can visit this shrine at all times. There are many features at the precinct and one of those is a wooden statue of pigeon at the worship hall. 2 statues of pigeons are counted as 1 – they are to serve God. How about visiting Morioka Hachimangu as well as Iwate Gokoku Shrine located next to Morioka Hachimangu?
As the gate is open 24 hours, you can visit this shrine at all times. There are many features at the precinct and one of those is a wooden statue of pigeon at the worship hall. 2 statues of pigeons are counted as 1 – they are to serve God. How about visiting Morioka Hachimangu as well as Iwate Gokoku Shrine located next to Morioka Hachimangu?
Name: Morioka Hachimangu Name: Morioka Hachimangu
Address: 13-1, Hachiman Town, Morioka City, Iwate Address: 13-1, Hachiman Town, Morioka City, Iwate
81-19-652-5211 Phone: +81-19-652-5211 Phone: +81-19-652-5211
←は行削除する場合Websiteの上の行に必ず入れてください Access: Drive 10 mins from Senboku Town Station by car Access: Drive 10 mins from Senboku Town Station by car
” target=”_blank”> http://morioka8man.jp/db10/ Website: http://morioka8man.jp/db10/ Website: http://morioka8man.jp/db10/
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%80%92020-0872+%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E5%85%AB%E5%B9%A1%E7%94%BA%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%93%E2%88%92%EF%BC%91+%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%85%AB%E5%B9%A1%E5%AE%AE/@39.6953068,141.1633499,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5f859d8f2af807a1:0x35bc8a8c8cd98f95?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to Morioka Hachimangu Map: map to Morioka Hachimangu Map: map to Morioka Hachimangu
Malios Observatory
Malios Observatory
/media/?size=l” title=” ” alt=” Malios Observatory ” width=”500px” height=”auto”>
photo by jenibo222 / embedded from Instagram
“Malios Observatory”, with a panoramic view, lets you overlook the city of Morioka. The entry is free of charge. The building is located just 3 minutes away from the west exit of JR Morioka Station by walking. If you are planning to visit Morioka by train or bus, why not go up to the observatory? You are able to look at Mt.Iwate as well. There are chairs, so you can take a rest when you feel tired after a trip.
“Malios Observatory”, with a panoramic view, lets you overlook the city of Morioka. The entry is free of charge. The building is located just 3 minutes away from the west exit of JR Morioka Station by walking. If you are planning to visit Morioka by train or bus, why not go up to the observatory? You are able to look at Mt.Iwate as well. There are chairs, so you can take a rest when you feel tired after a trip.
Also, there’s a cafe in the facility – you can have some refreshments! How about having lunch while overlooking Morioka city?
Also, there’s a cafe in the facility – you can have some refreshments! How about having lunch while overlooking Morioka city?
Name: Malios Observatory Name: Malios Observatory
Address: 2-9-1, Nishi Dori, Morioka Station, Morioka City, Iwate Address: 2-9-1, Nishi Dori, Morioka Station, Morioka City, Iwate
81-19-621-5000 Phone: +81-19-621-5000 Phone: +81-19-621-5000
Time: 9:00-18:00 Time: 9:00-18:00
←は行削除する場合Websiteの上の行に必ず入れてください Access: Walk 3 mins from Morioka Station Access: Walk 3 mins from Morioka Station
” target=”_blank”> https://www.malios.co.jp/ Website: https://www.malios.co.jp/ Website: https://www.malios.co.jp/
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%80%92020-0045+%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E9%A7%85%E8%A5%BF%E9%80%9A%EF%BC%92%E4%B8%81%E7%9B%AE%EF%BC%99%E2%88%92%EF%BC%91+%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AA%E3%82%B9%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%9C%B0%E5%9F%9F%E4%BA%A4%E6%B5%81%E3%82%BB%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC/@39.701105,141.13345,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5f85763339e0388f:0xc4218f418665e38d?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to Malios Observatory Map: map to Malios Observatory Map: map to Malios Observatory
Morioka Machiya Monogatari Museum
Morioka Machiya Monogatari Museum
/media/?size=l” title=” ” alt=” Morioka Machiya Monogatari Museum ” width=”500px” height=”auto”>
photo by maki_makin / embedded from Instagram
Located at the outskirts of Morioka city, the Nataya Town area have all those town houses which make you feel the good old days of Japan. There are a wide variety of events every month.
Located at the outskirts of Morioka city, the Nataya Town area have all those town houses which make you feel the good old days of Japan. There are a wide variety of events every month.
Also, there are so many interesting facilities such as Morioka Machiya that allows you to see the interior of the old town house which used to be a sake brewer, and a resting place that you can use for free. You can experience a short stay at the town house even though the service has currently been stopped as of June 2017. Now, do you want to know the history of Morioka, one of the biggest cities in the Tohoku region?
Also, there are so many interesting facilities such as Morioka Machiya that allows you to see the interior of the old town house which used to be a sake brewer, and a resting place that you can use for free. You can experience a short stay at the town house even though the service has currently been stopped as of June 2017. Now, do you want to know the history of Morioka, one of the biggest cities in the Tohoku region?
Name: Morioka Machiya Monogatari Museum Name: Morioka Machiya Monogatari Museum
Address: 10-8, Nataya Town, Morioka City, Iwate Address: 10-8, Nataya Town, Morioka City, Iwate
81-19-654-2911 Phone: +81-19-654-2911 Phone: +81-19-654-2911
Time: 9:00-19:00 Time: 9:00-19:00
Close: 4th Tuesday Close: 4th Tuesday
” target=”_blank”> http://machiya.iwate-arts.jp/ Website: http://machiya.iwate-arts.jp/ Website: http://machiya.iwate-arts.jp/
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E9%89%88%E5%B1%8B%E7%94%BA%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%90%E2%88%92%EF%BC%97+%E3%82%82%E3%82%8A%E3%81%8A%E3%81%8B%E7%94%BA%E5%AE%B6%E7%89%A9%E8%AA%9E%E9%A4%A8/@39.6912956,141.1577567,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5f859d8477639193:0x54acd851f72600a3?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to Morioka Machiya Monogatari Museum Map: map to Morioka Machiya Monogatari Museum Map: map to Morioka Machiya Monogatari Museum
Ishiwari Zakura
Ishiwari Zakura
/media/?size=l” title=” ” alt=” Ishiwari Zakura ” width=”500px” height=”auto”>
photo by mayumi6182 / embedded from Instagram
This is the spot that you can view the pink cherry blossoms. Located 20 minutes away from Morioka Station on foot, there’s this Ishiwari Zakura that can be seen in the season of cherry blossoms. Here, weeping cherry, believed to be almost 400 years old, blooms from the cracks of granite.
This is the spot that you can view the pink cherry blossoms. Located 20 minutes away from Morioka Station on foot, there’s this Ishiwari Zakura that can be seen in the season of cherry blossoms. Here, weeping cherry, believed to be almost 400 years old, blooms from the cracks of granite.
This Ishiwari Zakura grows in front of the building of Iwate prefectural assembly which sits just next to the prefectural office. Every year, many people visit this place to see the cherry blossoms blooming so beautifully. In the city of Morioka, there’s some shop that sells a confectionery with the theme of Ishiwari Zakura. Why not come and see this beautiful tree of cherry blossoms loved by locals?
This Ishiwari Zakura grows in front of the building of Iwate prefectural assembly which sits just next to the prefectural office. Every year, many people visit this place to see the cherry blossoms blooming so beautifully. In the city of Morioka, there’s some shop that sells a confectionery with the theme of Ishiwari Zakura. Why not come and see this beautiful tree of cherry blossoms loved by locals?
Name: Ishiwari Zakura Name: Ishiwari Zakura
Address: 9-1, Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Address: 9-1, Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate
←は行削除する場合Websiteの上の行に必ず入れてください Access: Walk approx. 20 mins from Morioka Station Access: Walk approx. 20 mins from Morioka Station
https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E3%80%92020-0023+%E5%B2%A9%E6%89%8B%E7%9C%8C%E7%9B%9B%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E5%86%85%E4%B8%B8%EF%BC%99%E2%88%92%EF%BC%91+%E7%9F%B3%E5%89%B2%E6%A1%9C/@39.703786,141.1512313,17z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5f857624c5bfffff:0x89d881b03e65c4ed?hl=en ” target=”_blank”>map to Ishiwari Zakura Map: map to Ishiwari Zakura Map: map to Ishiwari Zakura
Let’s Explore The Popular Sightseeing Spots In Morioka!
Let’s Explore The Popular Sightseeing Spots In Morioka!
How was it? Today, I have introduced the best 10 recommended sightseeing spots in Morioka, Iwate. Any of those are literally great to visit! As Morioka is one of the major cities in the Tohoku region, there are a lot of amazing gourmets too. Seafood is worth to try! Let’s explore the city of Morioka!
How was it? Today, I have introduced the best 10 recommended sightseeing spots in Morioka, Iwate. Any of those are literally great to visit! As Morioka is one of the major cities in the Tohoku region, there are a lot of amazing gourmets too. Seafood is worth to try! Let’s explore the city of Morioka!