11月 13, 2017
The Best 9 Museums You Must Visit in Okinawa
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Okinawa is one of the most popular resort place in Japan. There are lots of things to do like diving or sea kayak since they have beautiful beaches in Okinawa. But they also have lots of art museum and museum too. When you are tired with activities, it might be good to spend slow time at art museum or museum. Today, we would like to introduce art museum and museum in Okinawa top 9. Please visit!
1. Okinawa kenritsu Museum
Okinawa has original culture even it is in Japan. If you plan to visit Naha, we would like you to stop at “Okinawa kenritsu Museum”. It is a art museum and museum.
On the first floor of museum, you can learn about nature, history and culture about Okinawa. They have a space to experience their own language or toys, so it will be fun for kids too. They have workshop on weekends sometimes. If you want to learn about Okinawa, this is the place to go.
Name: Okinawa kenritsu Museum
Address: 3-1-1 Omoromachi, Naha, Okinawa
Phone: +81-98-941-8200
Time: 9:00~ 18:00
Close: Monday
Website: http://www.museums.pref.okinawa.jp/
Map: Map to Okinawa kenritsu Museum
2. MITSUO Shisa museum
Have you ever heard of Shisa? It looks like a dog and it is a god to protect us. It is also known as souvenir too. If you like Shisa, how about visiting MITSUO Shisa museum?
It is a private museum of “Tensai Mitsuo”. You will be able to meet lots of Shisa at this place. How about finding your favorite Shisa at museum shop on the first floor? Please visit!
Name: MITSUO Shisa museum
Address: 2-1-3 Makishi, Naha, Okinawa
Time: 10:00~22:00
Close: none
Access: 6 minutes from Okinawa toshi monorail Makishi station by foot
Map: Map to MITSUO Shisa museum
3. Naha History Museum
Okinawa used to be a country called Ryukyu okoku that has own king. Naha was a capital city and center of politics. Also it is famous as they did trade between Japan and China.
“Naha History Museum” is a history museum that has historical information about Naha. Please visit!
Name: Naha History Museum
Address: Paret kumoji 4F, 1-1-1 Kumoji, Naha, Okinawa
Phone: +81-98-869-5266
Time: 10:00~19:00
Close: Thursday
Map: Map to Naha History Museum
4. Naha tsuboya yakimono museum
“Naha tsuboya yakimono museum” is a museum that has plates that were made in Okinawa history. You can see the history from the way they were made.
You can learn about basic information about plates and history of another countries that affected Okinawa history. Let’s learn about Okinawa history!
Name: Naha tsuboya yakimono museum
Address: 1-9-32 Tsuboya, Naha, Okinawa
Phone: +81-98-862-3761
Time: 10:00~ 18:00
Website: http://www.edu.city.naha.okinawa.jp/
Map: Map to Naha tsuboya yakimono museum
5. Urasoe-shi museum
“Urasoe-shi museum” has unique building even Okinawa its self looks like overseas. You can learn about history of called Ryukyu urushiki.
The building is beautiful and see the history. They have café inside the museum and you can eat with their plates. Please stop by!
Name: Urasoe-shi museum
Address: 1-9-2 Nakama, Urasoe, Okinawa
Phone: +81-98-879-3219
Time: Monday
Website: http://museum.city.urasoe.lg.jp/
Map: Map to Urasoe-shi museum
6. Nago museum
Nago,Okinawa is located north of main land of Okinawa. Nago museum is in area that has Busena kaichu park and Busena beach and it is a museum that shows nature in Okinawa and their culture.
They shows most of stuff without putting into cases so you can get closer than other museums. Please visit!
Name: Nago museum
Address: 1-8-11 Higashie, Nago, Okinawa
Phone: +81-980-53-1342
Time: 10:00~ 18:00
Close: Monday, Holiday
Map: Map to Nago museum
7. Kumejima museum
“Kumejima museum” is a museum that has nature in Kumejima, Okinawa and shows their culture. You can see the nature of island. Especially, you won’t be able to see the animals and plants at other places.
They also shows life goods that were used to by the original people. Kumejima is located at 100m west from main land. How about going to learn their culture?
Name: Kumejima museum
Address: 542 Kategaru, Kumejima, Shimashiri, Okinawa
Phone: +81-98-896-7181
Time: 9:00~ 17:00
Website: http://www.town.kumejima.okinawa.jp/
Map: Map to Kumejima museum
8. Miyakojima sogo museum
They have original culture in other island except main land in Okinawa. If you visit these islands, don’t you want to learn about their culture? Miyakojima is located southwest of main land and close to Taiwan.
It is famous for sightseeing. Miyakojima sogo museum is a museum about Miyakojima. You can learn about their history, culture, nature and animals. If you are interested in, please visit!
Name: Miyakojima sogo museum
Address: 1166-287 Higashi Nakasonezoe, Hirara, Miyakojima, Okinawa
Phone: +81-980-73-0567
Time: 9:00~ 16:30
Close: Monday, holiday
Website: http://www.city.miyakojima.lg.jp/
Map: Map to Miyakojima sogo museum
9. Ryukyu university museum
“Ryukyu daigaku museum is a museum that is owned by Ryukyu university. It is opened for public for education. They have three section inside.
They have a room that shows rare animals, a room for historical information about Okinawa, and a room where they watch bugs and plants. If you want to learn about Okinawa, please visit!
Name: Ryukyu daigaku museum Fujukan
Address: 1 senbaru, Nishihara, Nakagami, Okinawa
Phone: +81-98-895-8841
Website: http://fujukan.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/
Map: Map to Ryukyu daigaku museum Fujukan
Let’s go to museum and art museum in Okinawa!
Today, we introduced a\museum and art museum we would like you to go when you visit Okinawa, top 9. As it has beautiful nature in Okinawa, you may want to do outside activities more for sightseeing, but how about spending slow time and learn about nature, history and culture about Okinawa? Please visit!